Friday, February 22, 2008

Things that I Love (concept stolen from Bennett)

Ok, i will be honest-i haven't really blogged much this month. I have a lot of things swarming around in my brain, but i am not sure if i am ready to commit them to paper (or my blog). In the mean time, i will talk about things I currently love as it is Valentine's Day/Love Month. (husband and Jesus not included, as that is a given). 

since the writer's strike, i have had to entertain myself with reruns of 
America's Next Top Model (just 
plainly ridiculous),  
Bringing Home Baby (gets out any baby interests i have 
by watching others-great birth control),
 What Not to Wear (makes me feel better with my 
outfits these days).

Drives up Highway 1
there's nothing like driving
 through expansive areas that Highway 1 to Pacifica opens. When I need a break, need to turn off my brain...mike and i go for a drive. Today we went up to Half Moon Bay and ate lunch at a British Pubs called Cameron's. So worth it. So worth it. 

if you have not read should. I about died of laughter in a worship gathering last week (please forgive me, it was text that came over. I sat through all the gatherings though. and paid attention.) All i hope for is that he beats Billary. If he doesn't and she is voted into office...I think Canada is in my future. Vintage Faith - Canada? Eh?

The Future
dreamy Sarah has been thinking about life and the future lately. Well, mike and my future, not necessarily time travel or meals in pill form. what does it look like? I am not sure. But I do know that I love, love love: meetings with people who energize me, seeing people change and teaching in a group setting (preferably 20-100 people). I'd like to own a retreat/conference center like place where I can offer conference classes/workshops to people (preferably over worked, underpaid pastors and church leaders) somewhere between Santa Cruz and Davenport. I also dream about a book contract, a teaching tour/speaking circuit and traveling all over, wherever to make a living and see God change lives.  

so thank you, Bennett for helping me commit the things I love to paper (or blog). 


Franny said...

Seriously, how great is ANTM ? I was a little bummed that Runway is ending this week, but luckily I caught the first new episode of ANTM last week, so I'm transitioning easily. I hope I don't miss any episodes and I wish I had Tivo (a few of my friends CANNOT STOP RUBBING IT IN, but apparently it's the best thing since sliced bread).

Gibbytron said...

this makes me smile. :) durka durka.