Friday, January 4, 2008

Rain, Rain... beautiful. I love the rain. It speaks to me in a way that I don't know how to explain. 

Growing up as a kid, I LOVED watching the Weather Channel. I would watch it hour per hour, staring at the radar and maps. I think I loved the fact that I knew EXACTLY what was happening around the country and the world right that moment. And I could be in control of what was going on-I mean, if I knew it was going to rain, I could never be wet or cold. Or hot and dry. I was uber prepared. 

This Christmas my brother bought me a pair of cute striped wellies from the Gap. I though they were so cute, but in my silly mind, thought I would return them for something more "practical" as they were a bit too big. I bought a pair of cute, wide legged trousers as I returned the boots. 'These are more practical', I thought as I checked out with my friend Lisa.

Well, go figure that one week later I would need the very thing I deemed "impractical" as the WORST rainstorm I have seen since I lived in Seattle had hit the Santa Cruz area. As I ran our to get the mail, my converse shoes got so soaking wet and I could not help but think...'self, why did I return the crazy wellies?'

Greg, you made a very smart purchase for me this Christmas. I am unprepared this winter season with this crazy storm-if only I would have listened, I would not have wet feet this January. I am learning from your ways, oh wise one.

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