Friday, April 24, 2009

I lied...

Ok, I am not leaving blogger after all. I found a cute blog name (finally) for Jack's blog on here. Blogger's just so popular that all the good names were gone!

so Jackson's blog is:
Jack=his name
Jackito=little Jack, also after we swaddle him, he looks like a burrito-a jackito, actually

ok, back to posting here. good thing my divorce papers weren't finalized! Sorry for the scare!


Christa said...

Hi Sarah,

I finally found your blog! Fun! I sent little dude a message, too, at his blog. :) Love, christa

Nini said...

I was going to update the URL to your new one, but I kept thinking to myself, "I will wait until she actually posts on wordpress"...and you are...staying loyal. I need a Jackson fix...

sarah said...

I am staying loyal. what was I thinking?? i am glad to find a good URL for Jackson.

Yeah! we need a Lettner fix too. mom is stopping by today but other than that, we are around! (you wouldnt have wanted a Jackson fix the last 3 days-cranky! i think he's hitting a growth spurt-is it possible to have a 6 week spurt at 5 1/2 weeks? i mean, anything's possible, right? haha)